北京股票配资公司 保送外刊精读 | 经济学人:学校禁手机,真能拯救孩子心理健康?

北京股票配资公司 保送外刊精读 | 经济学人:学校禁手机,真能拯救孩子心理健康?



France has not allowed smartphone use in primary or secondary schools since 2018, claiming that it would help children focus, reduce their social-media use and mitigate online bullying. The Netherlands initiated a similar ban in January 2024. Hungary followed suit later that year. Legislators in Britain are considering similar measures. The key question facing them is whether banning smartphones in schools offers any benefits to mental health.





That there is a problem seems clear. In 2021 America’s surgeon general compiled a report revealing that persistent feelings of hopelessness climbed by 40% among American high-school pupils between 2009 and 2019. The number who seriously considered killing themselves went up by 36%. What makes these findings all the worse is that 48% of mental-health problems (like depression and anxiety) that emerge during adolescence will plague people for the rest of their lives.




It is tempting to connect these trends with the increased availability of smartphones, but establishing a causal connection is difficult. Part of the problem is that smartphones contain multitudes. Using a smartphone to solve crosswords or read the news may well have markedly different psychological effects from intensive social-media use.




Children are no less varied. The brain undergoes profound changes during puberty, meaning that any research on the effects of smartphone use needs to consider the developmental age of the children being studied as well as their precise smartphone habits.




No studies have got this specific. Those that have come close, however, reveal that unfettered access to social media on smartphones during puberty, especially at critical moments when the brain is changing, may cause problems. One study, led by Amy Orben at the University of Cambridge, asked 17,409 people between the ages of ten and 21 how satisfied they were with their lives and how much they used social media. The findings, reported in 2022 in Nature Communications, show that girls who increased their social media use over the course of a year were significantly less satisfied with their lives if the increase took place when they were between 11 and 13. Boys showed the same trend when increases took place when they were 14 or 15 years old.




How much of this will change by banning phones in schools is unclear. In a paper published in the Lancet in February, Victoria Goodyear at the University of Birmingham compared the mental well-being of students in schools that implemented restrictive smartphone policies with those with relaxed policies. She also monitored overall screentime. Her results show that, though those who spent more time on a smartphone overall did have a decline in mental well-being, there was no difference between the two groups. She and her colleagues argue that setting up policies at schools alone is simply not enough.




Researchers are trying to paint a complete picture with both hands tied behind their back. According to Dr Orben, social-media companies routinely refuse to give independent researchers access to detailed data on the behaviours of their users. This forces researchers to rely on less accurate proxy measures, like overall screentime. It also means that children playing educational games are being put in the same analytical bin as children who are on social media. A more nuanced picture of the effects of smartphones needs to be drawn.



重点单词讲解 mitigate 释义:减轻,缓和;在文中表示减轻网络欺凌。 近义词:alleviate、reduce;反义词:intensify、aggravate。常用搭配:mitigate the impact(减轻影响),mitigate the risk(降低风险)。 例句:The new policy is designed to mitigate the negative effects of the economic crisis.(这项新政策旨在减轻经济危机的负面影响。)政府采取了一系列措施来减轻贫困问题。(The government has taken a series of measures to mitigate the poverty problem.) 易混词辨析:mitigate强调缓解不良状况的程度;alleviate更侧重于缓解身体或精神上的痛苦;reduce则更广泛地表示数量、程度等的减少。 initiate 释义:发起,开始;在文中指荷兰发起了类似禁令。 近义词:launch、start;反义词:terminate、end。常用搭配:initiate a project(发起一个项目),initiate a discussion(发起一场讨论)。 例句:The organization initiated a campaign to protect the environment.(该组织发起了一场保护环境的运动。)他决定发起一项新的研究。(He decided to initiate a new research.) 易混词辨析:initiate强调开始一个新的行动、项目等;launch更侧重于正式地推出、发起,常与新产品、活动等搭配;start是最常用的表示开始的词,使用范围更广。 persistent 释义:持续的,持久的;在文中形容绝望情绪是持续的。 近义词:constant、continuous;反义词:temporary、transient。常用搭配:persistent effort(坚持不懈的努力),persistent problem(长期存在的问题)。 例句:Despite persistent difficulties, he never gave up his dream.(尽管困难持续存在,他从未放弃自己的梦想。)这种持续的噪音让我无法集中精力。(This persistent noise makes it difficult for me to concentrate.) 易混词辨析:persistent强调持续不断,带有一种固执、坚持的意味;constant侧重于始终如一、不间断;continuous强调连续不间断,中间没有停顿。 compile 释义:编撰,汇编;文中指卫生局局长编撰报告。 近义词:collect、assemble;反义词:disperse、scatter。常用搭配:compile a list(编制一份清单),compile a dictionary(编纂一本字典)。 例句:The professor spent years compiling this comprehensive textbook.(这位教授花了数年时间编撰这本综合性教材。)他们正在汇编过去一年的销售数据。(They are compiling the sales data of the past year.) 易混词辨析:compile强调将各种资料收集整理成一个完整的作品;collect主要指收集、聚集物品等;assemble侧重于将分散的部分组合成一个整体。 unfettered 释义:无拘无束的,不受限制的;在文中指无节制地使用社交媒体。 近义词:unrestricted、unconstrained;反义词:restricted、constrained。常用搭配:unfettered access(无限制访问),unfettered freedom(无拘无束的自由)。 例句:In this free environment, people enjoy unfettered creativity.(在这个自由的环境中,人们享有无拘无束的创造力。)孩子们应该在一个相对无拘无束的氛围中成长。(Children should grow up in a relatively unfettered atmosphere.) nuanced 释义:细微差别的,有细微变化的;文中指需要更细致地描绘智能手机的影响。 近义词:subtle、delicate;反义词:obvious、clear-cut。常用搭配:nuanced understanding(细微的理解),nuanced difference(细微的差别)。 例句:The painting shows a nuanced use of colors.(这幅画展示了对色彩细微的运用。)他对这个问题有着细微而深刻的理解。(He has a nuanced and profound understanding of this issue.) 地道表达 follow suit 功能:用于描述某人或某事效仿前面的行为或做法,使表达更简洁生动。 适用语境:常用于描述多个主体采取相似行动的场景,在新闻报道、日常交流等场景都适用。 例句:One company raised its prices, and other companies quickly followed suit.(一家公司提高了价格,其他公司很快也效仿了。)一个国家出台了新的环保政策,其他国家纷纷效仿。(One country introduced new environmental policies, and other countries followed suit.) come close 功能:表示接近某个目标、情况或程度,使表达更形象。 适用语境:在描述接近完成某事、接近某种状态等情况时使用。 例句:Although he didn't win the race, he came close.(虽然他没有赢得比赛,但他很接近胜利了。)这个项目虽然没有完全达到预期,但已经很接近了。(The project didn't fully meet the expectations, but it came close.) paint a picture 功能:形象地表达描绘出某种情况、场景或概念,帮助读者或听众更好地理解。 适用语境:在写作、演讲等场景中,用于阐述观点、描述现象等。 例句:The report paints a clear picture of the current economic situation.(这份报告清晰地描绘了当前的经济形势。)作者通过生动的文字描绘出了一个奇幻的世界。(The author painted a picture of a magical world with vivid words.) with both hands tied behind one's back 功能:这是一个形象的比喻,用于形容某人在做某事时受到很大限制,处于不利地位。 适用语境:在描述某人面临困难、阻碍,无法充分发挥能力的情况时使用。 例句:The researchers are trying to solve the problem with both hands tied behind their backs due to lack of data.(由于缺乏数据,研究人员在解决这个问题时受到很大限制。)这位运动员在受伤的情况下比赛,就像双手被绑在背后一样艰难。(The athlete was competing with both hands tied behind his back because of the injury.) 地道句型 It is tempting to... 功能:表达“人们很容易想要……”,用于引出一种常见的想法或冲动,为后文的转折或进一步阐述做铺垫。 适用语境:在议论文、说明文等文体中,用于引出一个容易引起人们共鸣但可能需要进一步分析的观点。 例句:It is tempting to believe that money can solve all problems, but in fact, it can't.(人们很容易认为钱能解决所有问题,但事实上并非如此。)人们很容易想要立刻做出决定,但我们应该先仔细考虑。(It is tempting to make a decision immediately, but we should think carefully first.) What makes... all the worse is that... 功能:用于强调某种情况的糟糕程度,进一步说明更不利的因素。 适用语境:在描述问题、困难等情况时,用于突出问题的严重性。 例句:What makes the situation all the worse is that we don't have enough resources to deal with it.(更糟糕的是,我们没有足够的资源来处理这种情况。)他考试没及格,更糟糕的是,他还弄丢了课本。(What makes his situation all the worse is that he lost his textbook after failing the exam.) 逻辑理路


引出话题:开篇通过列举法国、荷兰、匈牙利、英国等国家对学校使用智能手机的不同举措,引出在学校禁止智能手机是否对心理健康有益这一核心问题。 阐述问题:指出青少年心理健康存在问题,如美国高中生中绝望情绪和自杀念头的上升,且部分心理健康问题会伴随一生,说明问题的严重性。 分析问题:探讨将青少年心理健康问题与智能手机使用联系起来的困难,原因包括智能手机功能多样以及孩子个体差异大。接着通过具体研究说明青春期无节制使用社交媒体可能带来的问题,但同时指出学校禁止手机对改善心理健康的效果不明确。 指出研究困境:说明研究人员在研究智能手机对青少年心理健康影响时面临的阻碍,即社交媒体公司拒绝提供详细数据,导致研究只能依赖不准确的替代指标。


思辨性问题 除了禁止智能手机,还有哪些更有效的方法可以改善青少年的心理健康? What other more effective methods can be used to improve teenagers' mental health besides banning smartphones? 社交媒体公司拒绝提供数据的行为合理吗?应该如何解决这个问题? Is it reasonable for social media companies to refuse to provide data? How should this problem be solved? 学校制定的智能手机政策是否应该根据学生的年龄和发展阶段进行调整? Should the smartphone policies formulated by schools be adjusted according to the age and development stage of students? 如何在保障青少年使用智能手机带来的便利的同时,减少其对心理健康的负面影响? How can we reduce the negative impact on teenagers' mental health while ensuring the convenience brought by the use of smartphones? 研究中仅关注社交媒体使用和心理健康的关系是否过于片面?还应该考虑哪些因素? Is it too one-sided to only focus on the relationship between social media use and mental health in the research? What other factors should be considered? 发布于:美国